Friday, 17 January 2014

The Feeling Better Factor

So it's January. Christmas is over, the weather is awful and there's a pretty good chance you've got a cold. I certainly do, courtesy of Mr P, and I feel utterly rubbish but there are a few things that will make me feel at least a little bit better even if I can't quite manage feeling human at the moment!

Keep cosy - When you've got a cold the last thing you need is to be cold so warm and cosy is where its at when it comes to flu fashion. I have my fluffy dressing gown and my fleecy PJ's but my feet usually end up freezing so there's nothing better than wrapping them up in a pair of really snuggly socks. Think super soft knits, fleecy linings and as chunky and thick as you can find. I have loads of pairs but the pretty pastel spotty pair pictured were a pressie from my sis-in-law so they're extra special.

Soothe a sore nose - A straw pole of my friends reveals a myriad of things used to combat the sore nose you get from all that rubbing and blowing, from E45 to Vaseline. I do rate E45 as a moisturiser but the best thing I've found is this Botanics Organic Super Balm. It's 93% organic, truly fragrance free and has a melting oily texture which nourishes and soothes raw skin. It also provides a bit of a protective barrier against future wiping. This balm makes a pretty decent lip balm and works wonders on really dry patches of skin too.

Breath easier - Traditionally eucalyptus is the oil to clear the sinuses but I'm not a fan as it seems to linger in the house for weeks after my cold has departed and my poor dog hates it. Tea tree oil, on the other hand, smells lovely (to me anyway) and has a similar clearing effect. It also has a fantastic clearing effect on my skin, which breaks out spectacularly whenever I'm under the weather. To breath easier add a few drops of oil to an aroma diffuser or oil burner, especially just before bed. To combat those illness-related blemishes dip a clean cotton bud in the oil and apply a little bit to each blemish. Tea tree can be a little drying so you might want to treat your skin to some extra moisturising too. Superdrug's 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil is the best value and always seems to be on offer.

Indulge - I know we've all eaten a tonne of chocolate over the festive season (guilty) but when I have a cold I really crave sugary hot drinks. I'm sure its because of all the energy my body is putting into fighting off my cold. That's my excuse anyway! My favourite way to get my fix is a huge mug of hot chocolate because its really warming, soothes my sore throat and the steam helps to clear my head. Besides, I can't take Lemsips and I don't drink tea or coffee so my options are a bit limited. I'm currently loving Galaxy Bubbles Orange. Simply delicious, and at least it's sort of low-cal!

There are a few other things I rely on to help me feel better. I hate being bored at the best of times so a good book, DVD and a stash of blogs and YouTube videos to keep me amused is essential. A long hot shower with lots of steam and freshly washed bedding makes sleeping easier and as I'm usually feeling ultra pathetic I need lots of hugs from Mr P and the dog!

How do you make yourself feel better when you're under the weather?

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